Our Impact
The Library Foundation helps to supplement the Library’s annual budget each year and strives to make positive impacts on library service every day.
Power in Partnership
In 2019, through a grant provided by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, the Library Foundation provided sensory safe toys and tools to every branch in Greene County. Regulating items such as noise canceling headphones, squishy gel tiles, weighted lap pads and fidget toys can be requested at any branch to help all library patrons have a successful library visit.
Through a generous grant from the Ball Foundation, the Library Foundation established a brand new Play and Learn Center at The Library Station in 2021. Featuring interactive toys, a giant light board and a flexible “imagination station” the Play and Learn Center expands the way babies and children can learn at a library.

Supporting the Arts
In Memoriam
The Library Foundation is honored to coordinate legacy gifts in memory of incredible community members who were passionate supporters of The Springfield-Greene County Library District.
Ursula Marie Laton
Jim Gorst
When Foundation board member Jim Gorst passed away unexpectedly in 2020, friends and loved ones gave to the Library Foundation to fund a new portable stage system for use in The Library Center Auditorium. It was much lighter and safer than its predecessor and allowed library staff to set the stage up in multiple configurations for public programs. Remaining funds were used to install a bird feeding station at the Republic Branch Library.
David Patillo
David Patillo served as the Information Technology Director of the Springfield-Greene County Library District for over 27 years. David worked tirelessly to lead a team that kept the library up-to-date with the latest technology, leveraging his knowledge and experience to ensure it was right for the Library District. This endowment in his memory helps The Library Foundation ensure that the Library District will continue to be able to fund innovative technologies in the future.
Funding the Future
The Library Foundation facilitates fundraising efforts for high-profile projects for the Library District, such as the Library Center on South Campbell, southwest Missouri’s first destination library, and the Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library capital campaign.
Currently we are helping the Library Center “Set the Stage” for the construction of a 500 seat auditorium at The Library Center. For more information about this project, contact The Library Foundation office at foundation@thelibrary.org, or call (417) 883-5366.

Ready to make your own impact?
Make a donation to where it is needed most, to one of our endowments or funds, or create your own legacy through a Named Endowment of $10,000 or more. Need assistance? Call the Foundation office at 417-616-0586.